Whether you learn tai chi online or off, you must learn it from a good teacher to get good. Of course it’s best to learn tai chi directly from a master in real life, but these days there are just not enough tai chi classes to meet demand. Many are learning tai chi from video courses and are now seeing students who have trained almost entirely online with decent skill so it can be done. Whats more, if you’re willing to put in a little extra effort you can even learn tai chi online for free.
Learning traditional Tai Chi Online Free
There are loads of resources available if you want to learn a short beginner Tai Chi form. This article is for folks who want the more traditional long forms. There is little benefit to learning one of the wu shu, theatrical based short forms over one of the traditional forms. At first you man think a 100 posture form intimidating, but consider this, most tai chi schools are based solely on studying the form. Other chinese martial arts have shorter forms, but they usually have more of them as well as never ending drills drills. A traditional tai chi long form gives you a solid goal and a sense of achievement after you’ve learned it. If you really want a short form, I recommend learning the first quarter of one of the traditional forms instead. This is more beneficial that learning the full 24 form, even though it takes about the same amount of time. An exception to this would be the Chen Man Ching 37 form, which was not created for the same reasons as the modern theatrical type forms. Personally I recommend the Chen Pan Ling 99 form or the Yang forms, either 108 – 103 – 88.
To learn tai chi online free requires a considerable commitment
You will need good resources here are some videos.
Another student of Chen Pan Ling Tai Chi
How to learn Yang Style tai chi online for free.
Some resources:
You can even learn tai chi sword on youtube now.
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